Today we did preparation of what we should expect from this STEMmersion. At the beginning of the day, we did a reading of what nature writing is. We learned that nature writing is a lot of just paying attention and taking notes of what you see in nature. You want to be very descriptive in what you see while you are out in nature.
After we did this reading, we graded a blog from a previous year of this STEMmersion. The purpose of this activity was to see how the blog posts will be graded and what's expected to be written in our blogs.
After eating lunch, we did an activity where we went outside and sat in silence for ten minutes. During this ten minutes we observed nature. We sat next to a pond and had to listen to nature, see things in nature and feel things in nature. We wrote down these observations and shared them with the other students. If we had matching things written about what we observed, we got the paper signed by the other students.
Some of the things I observed were the feeling of wind being blown, the feeling of the heat from the Sun. I saw water moving from the wind, I saw plants and grass moving from the wind. I also saw birds flying across the pond in front of me. I heard these birds chirping and also heard various insects making noises. I heard plants being blown in the wind.
In conclusion, today was a pretty easy day. I feel like this is going to be a fun STEMmersion and I'm looking forward to what the class has to offer.